Hey, eco-warriors! Today we’re talking about the permaculture principle of “Catch and Store Energy”. This principle is all about using renewable energy sources and finding ways to store that energy for future use.
In permaculture, we recognise that energy is all around us, from the sun’s rays to the wind blowing through the trees. By harnessing this energy, we can power our homes, gardens, and communities in a sustainable way.
Think of it like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter. The squirrel knows that it needs to gather food while it’s available so that it can survive when resources are scarce. The same goes for permaculture. By catching and storing energy, we can build resilient systems that can sustain us through times of scarcity.
This principle isn’t just about catching and storing physical energy, either. It’s also about catching and storing knowledge and resources. By learning about sustainable energy practices and storing that knowledge for future use, we can create more sustainable systems that benefit us and the environment.
Water is a precious resource, and in many parts of the world, it is becoming increasingly scarce. By catching and storing water, we can ensure that we have a reliable source of water for our gardens, homes, and communities, even during times of drought or water scarcity.
So, let’s catch and store energy! Let’s harness the power of the sun, wind, water, and other renewable resources to create sustainable systems. And let’s store that energy and knowledge for future use so that we can build resilient and sustainable communities. Together, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and for the planet!