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Writer's pictureKylie Simmons

Permaculture Principle #10 Use and Value Diversity

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

Hey there, eco-warriors! Today, we’re talking about the permaculture principle of “Use and Value Diversity”. This principle is all about recognising the importance of diversity in the natural world and applying it to our own lives and systems.

In nature, diversity is essential for healthy and resilient ecosystems. A diverse range of species provides stability, resilience, and a variety of benefits that can’t be found in a monoculture. Similarly, in our own lives and systems, diversity can bring a range of benefits and opportunities that we might not have considered otherwise.

Permaculture encourages us to value and embrace diversity in all areas of our lives, from the plants we grow in our gardens to the people we surround ourselves with. By valuing diversity, we can create more resilient, adaptive, and sustainable systems that are better equipped to deal with unexpected challenges and changes.

One way to apply this principle is to incorporate a variety of different plant species in our gardens and farms. By planting a diverse range of crops, we can promote healthy soil, reduce pest and disease pressure, and increase the overall productivity of our gardens. Similarly, in our communities, we can strive to build diverse and inclusive networks that celebrate and value different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.

So, whether you’re gardening, building a community, or simply living your daily life, remember to value and embrace diversity. By doing so, we can create a more vibrant, resilient, and sustainable world for ourselves and future generations to come.

this is a wooden board detailing the 12 permaculture principles


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